DF Story 24 Let's go to Shonan!

D F ストーリー 24 いざ湘南へ!

There was information about a shop in Shonan on the net.
When I saw it, I thought, "I want this kind of store to sell my products," and checked the address!
I told my partner, "There's a nice shop in Kugenuma, Shonan, so drop in!"
Rent a car at a later date, put the sample in the bag, and leave Osaka early in the morning!
I'm in charge of driving!
As soon as we left, we started an in-car meeting, asking, “What kind of shop is this?” We talked for about 7 hours until we got there (laughs).
Beside me, my partner was struggling with sleepiness, listening to my story and responding to me, but halfway through I fell asleep with my eyes open. (LOL)
Arrive and enter the store and say hello while being nervous.
Good store, as expected. The store welcomes you warmly and an impromptu exhibition in the store! I arranged the samples and my partner gave a product explanation (laughs). 』 Even though I was sleeping until a while ago, (explosion)
After the product explanation was over, I got the approval of the transaction and left the store.
About 20 years have passed since then. I had a meal with the owner and my partner in Shonan this summer as well.